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Class Updates.

This section is dedicated to questions / updates from discussion section. I will answer questions I couldn't address and include any corrections from class here.

Discussion Slides.

Discussion 1: Slides, Return vs. print clarifications

Discussion 2: Slides

Discussion 3: Slides,
You can run the file interactively by typing `python3 -i` and call the functions on some of your own tree examples. Slides 23-25 describe how you can create your own trees.

Discussion 4: Slides

Discussion 5: Slides,

Discussion 6: Slides,

Discussion 7: Slides

Discussion 8: Slides,, disc08.scm
Having trouble counting the number of calls to calc_eval and calc_apply? Run ‘python -i’ inside the folder that holds the file.
Now you can run calc_eval and calc_apply on pairs that you want to create. There are print statements inside these functions that will let you see the order that they are evaluated / applied in!

ex. p1 and p2 are both already defined inside the file
>>> calc_eval(p1)

Discussion 9: Slides

Discussion 10: Slides

Discussion 11: Slides